Eco-design your
complex systems
by assessing
their environmental impact as soon as possible

The EcoPlex project guarantees digital continuity between design and life cycle analysis.

It provides a methodology and software based on open-sourced solutions Capella and OpenLCA.

Why EcoPlex


LCA inventory data is taken
directly from the design model


Automatic initialization of the LCA model
saves hours of tedious typing


Time savings make it possible to carry out more LCAs,
and to identify the architecture with the least impact

Editeurs graphiques dédiés

EcoPlex is experienced on use cases in the naval world, such as Mobula pollution control vessels.

But it is applicable to other industrial sectors (automotive, aeronautics, energy, health, etc.).

Press Release

With the support of

Logo EMC2 Logo Région Bretagne Logo Région Pays de la Loire Logo Bpifrance

A collaborative project led by

Logo Manta Innovation Logo Obeo Logo Efinor Logo LS2N Logo SDI Logo Capgemini Engineering